Friday 26 October 2012

Great conversation over the breakfast table.

How do we provide a good context for spiritual growth for others?

How can we set the tone and atmosphere that is soooo good that they cannot bear to think of not joining in?

I can remember clearly communicating judgement and criticism for arriving late, not arriving, or arriving without enthusiasm or desire.

But look at this miracle from 2Corinthians 4!

5  For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.
6  For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
7  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

It has been said that the heart of man's problem is his heart! And when Christ enters the heart, an amazing transformation ocurrs! Where there once was darkness, and dark deeds emanated from that place, now Light Shines out of that Dark Place! Amazing!

As we keep this miracle at the fore, we can rejoice with every tiny little step people bring forward!

And I set a table of  grace, acceptance, joy and delight.

Today is Friday. We head back on Sunday, arriving Monday afternoon.

Really looking forward to seeing Laura and Crista, Jon and Jenn! And the rest of you.

God's best,

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